Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are tiny passageways that branch off from beneath the top of the tooth, coursing their way vertically downward, until they reach the tip of the tooth root.

Teeth can typically have between one and five canals within the roots of the teeth.

Many tooth problems involve infections that spread to the pulp or nerve, which is the inner chamber of the tooth containing blood vessels and other tissues. When the infection becomes worse, it can begin affecting the roots. A traumatic injury to a tooth can also compromise the pulp, leading to similar problems.

A diseased inner tooth brings a host of problems, including pain and sensitivity, as the first indications of a problem. A spreading infection can cause small pockets of pus to develop, which can lead to an abscess.

Root canal therapy is a remarkable treatment with a high rate of success if done properly, and involves removing the diseased nerve and tissue, halting the spread of infection and restoring the healthy portion of the tooth. In fact, root canal therapy is designed to save a problem tooth rather than having the tooth removed.

Most patients who have root canal experience little or no discomfort or pain, and enjoy a restored tooth that can last for a long period of time.

Root canal therapy usually entails one to three visits. During the first visit, a small hole is drilled through the top of the tooth and into the inner chamber. Diseased tissue is removed, the inner chamber cleansed and disinfected, and the tiny canals reshaped. The cleansed chamber and canals are filled with an elastic material and medication designed to prevent infection. If necessary, the drilled hole is temporarily filled until a permanent seal is made with a crown.

Most patients who have root canal experience little or no discomfort or pain, and enjoy a restored tooth that can last almost as long as its healthy original.

Technological advancment

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past.

Laser Technology

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past.

Composite Bonding

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past.

Teeth Whitening

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past.

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Things you should know!

This is the most worrying part for most clients going through or needing a turnaround. They are usually scared to start a cosmetic dentistry service.

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Why you should do this?

Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry aimed at creating a positive change to your teeth and to your smile.

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We believe that esthetic dentistry must complement the overall general and oral health of the patient.

Do you want to have the smile of your dreams?